Batting Performance of Harpreet Brar vs Nathan Coulter-Nile in IPL from 2018
Updated on: Mar 15, 2023 12:19 pm IST

Batter | Balls | Runs | 6s | 4s | SR | Inn. | Avg. | Out |
Harpreet Brar | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 50.00 | 1 | NA | 0 |
This page displays the statistical record of Harpreet Brar against Nathan Coulter-Nile in the Indian Premier League (IPL) from 2018.
Harpreet Brar faced Nathan Coulter-Nile 1 times in IPL, with the following statistical record:
Batting Statistics:
Total runs scored: 3
Number of dismissals: 0
Batting average: NA
Strike rate: 50.00
Dismissal Modes:
Bowled: 0
Caught: 0
LBW: 0
Stumped: 0
Caught and Bowled: 0
The data shows that Harpreet Brar scored 3 runs against Nathan Coulter-Nile in IPL from 2018, with an average of NA and a strike rate of 50.00.
Nathan Coulter-Nile dismissed Harpreet Brar by Bowled 0, Caught 0, LBW 0 and Stumped 0 modes during these innings.
The above data presents a factual overview of Harpreet Brar's performance against Nathan Coulter-Nile in IPL from 2018. Users can use this data to draw their own conclusions and insights about the performance of both the batsman and the bowler in the IPL.