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Bowling performance of Harpreet Brar Record Against Glenn Maxwell in IPL from 2018

Updated on: Mar 17, 2023 2:53 pm IST

Bowling performance of Harpreet Brar Record Against Glenn Maxwell in IPL from 2018
Bowler Inn. Wkts Overs Runs Avg. SR Eco.
Harpreet Brar 4 3 2.2 17 5.67 4.67 7.29

Harpreet Brar has played against Glenn Maxwell in IPL matches from 2018, with the following statistical record:

Bowling Statistics:

Matches played: 4 
Wickets taken: 3 
Overs bowled: 2.2 
Average: 5.67
Strike rate: 4.67 
Economy rate: 7.29

These statistics provide a summary of Harpreet Brar's performance against Glenn Maxwell in IPL matches from 2018. The data shows that he has played 4 matches against Glenn Maxwell and taken 3 wickets, with an average of 5.67 and a strike rate of 4.67. Additionally, he has maintained an economy rate of 7.29 against this batsman.

Dismissal Modes:

LBW: 0 
Caught and Bowled:

Harpreet Brar's dismissal modes against Glenn Maxwell reveal that he has dismissed him by Bowled 1, Caught 2, LBW 0, and Stumped 0  methods. This information can provide insight into his overall style of bowling and his strengths and weaknesses as a bowler.

Overall, the statistical record of Harpreet Brar against Glenn Maxwell in IPL matches from 2018 provides a comprehensive overview of his performance against this batsman. The data presented here can help users gain a deeper understanding of his abilities and strengths as a bowler and make informed assessments about his overall performance.

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