Five botches at Wrestlemania over the years.
Published on: Apr 4, 2018 11:31 am IST|Updated on: Dec 3, 2019 4:55 pm IST

A ‘Botch’ in wrestling terminology is when a wrestler makes a mistake either while in the ring performing a move or while delivering a promo. Naturally in-ring botches are dangerous as they can not only harm the wrestler doing the botch and have them suffer a serious injury but also the wrestler or wrestlers near him/her. So botches are easily recovered from where as other have landed wrestlers in the hospital. Here are the Top 5 botches at Wrestlemania:
#5 Hulk Hogan Forgets Where He Is at Wrestlemania 30
Imagine the opening to a Wrestlemania event having Stone Cold, The Rock and Hulk Hogan all in the same ring at the same time. Three legends of the business sharing the same place and one of them can’t remember where he is.
To be honest Hogan is old, and on a stage like that you might forget you’re at the Superdome and not Silver Dome.
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#4 Triple H’s entrance at Wrestlemania 29
We all know by now Triple H loves making huge entrances at Wrestlemania. One such was before his match against Brock at Wrestlemania 29. One his way out during his entrance he was accidently hit with dry ice.
It covered his abdomen and gave him second degree burns but regardless he continued and finished his match.
#3 Sid Justice kicks out of the Atomic Leg Drop at Wrestlemania 8
There are many finishing moves in the WWE that are protected. When a move is protected that means it’s the final blow. Once that is hit there is no kicking out of it.
One such move was Hogan’s Leg Drop. No one had kicked out till his match against Sid at Wrestlemania 8. It was planned that Hogan would drop his leg and Papa Shango would come out to break the pin fall. But Papa Shango missed his cue and Sid just had to kick out.
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#2 The Undertaker’s Suicide Dive at Wrestlemania 25
One of the classic moves the Undertaker does is a dive to the outside over the top rope. During his legendary match with Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 Taker went to do his dive.
It was planned that Shawn would use a cameraman as a human shield. This was planned but what wasn’t planned was that taker landed wrong on the cameraman and almost broke his neck.
#1 Brock’s Shooting Star Press at Wrestlemania 19
In his World Title match against Kurt Angle, Brock wanted to end the match with style. Instead of his signature F5, he went to the top rope and attempted a Shooting Star Press. It did not go as he planned and Brock landed on his head giving him a concussion.
Brock being Brock was still able to continue and even hit Kurt with an F5 and win the match.